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213 content

Coronavirus pandemic and international arbitration proceedings

Our latest article "Coronavirus pandemic and international arbitration proceedings" is published on Lexology.

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Recent developments in cross-border data transfers under Turkish law

Following its recent announcement on Binding Corporate Rules for intra-group cross-border data transfers, the Turkish Data Protection Board…

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Enforcing international arbitral awards in Turkey

Our review on “Enforcing international arbitral awards in Turkey” is published by LexisNexis®PSL.

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Young Arbitration Review

Our article titled “Mandatory Use of Turkish Language and Its Impacts for Arbitration Agreements: A Case of Constant Revival” written by…

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The Initial Public Offerings Law Review

Turkey chapter of the 4th edition of The Initial Public Offerings Law Review; written by Omer Collak, Ökkeş Şahan and Pınar Tüzün, is…

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Government incentives and restrictions introduced under the labour legislation during coronavirus pandemic

In this briefing, we would like give you information on government incentives and restrictions introduced under various pieces of…

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Coronavirus pandemic and international arbitration proceedings

The coronavirus pandemic shows its effects in international arbitration proceedings as well as court proceedings.

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Limitations introduced to profit distributions of capital companies

The Law No. 7244 on Amending Various Other Laws and Concerning Limiting the Impact of COVID-19 on Economic and Social Life contains certain…

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Proposed amendments to Turkish Internet Law

On 9 April 2020, a draft law entitled Omnibus Bill on Amendments to Various Laws, consisting of additional measures to fight the Covid-19…

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