237 content
20 March 2020
The Legal 500 Securitisation Country Comparative Guide
Turkey chapter of "The Legal 500 Securitisation Country Comparative Guide" written by Ömer Çollak and Merve Kurdak Kurtdarcan is……
19 March 2020
Significant Amendments to Turkish Securities Law
Law for Amendments to the Banking Law and Other Laws that is published in the Official Gazette on 25 February 2020 introduced various…
18 February 2020
The International Capital Markets Review
Turkey chapter of "The International Capital Markets Review" by Ömer Çollak, Ökkeş Şahan and Nazlı Tönük Çapan is published on The Law…
16 January 2020
Recent developments in e-commerce: Commercial Electronic Message Management System and Safety Stam
The Regulation on Commercial Communications and Commercial Electronic Messages published in the Official Gazette on 4 January 2020…
3 January 2020
Data Protection Authority further extends deadline for registration with the Data Controller Registry
The Turkish Data Protection Authority announced on its website that the deadline for registration with the Data Controller Registry through…
25 December 2019
Turkish Competition Board’s top cases in 2019
From investigations in the digital, fintech and mobile network service sectors to scrutiny from administrative courts, 2019 has been a busy…
23 December 2019
Turkey introduces Digital Service Tax and other new taxes, makes significant changes to tax laws
Turkey introduced three new taxes – the Digital Service Tax, Accommodation Tax and Valuable Property Tax with Law No. 7194. Apart from the…
18 December 2019
Legal Business Magazine
Paksoy is pleased to announce Founding and Senior Partner Serdar Paksoy's briefing about foreign investment, recent economic situation of…
15 December 2019
Turkey overhauls Customs Law
Turkey’s Customs Law (the “Law”) was amended by Law no. 7190 of 24 September 2019, published in the Official Gazette on 7 November……