237 content
15 April 2020
Financial measures for COVID-19
Turkish government has announced a number of economic policy responses designed to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 for businesses and…
10 April 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on Turkish Competition Law enforcement and merger review
Amid efforts to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), a number of competition authorities worldwide have…
7 April 2020
Employers’ Liability From The Accidents Occured During Home Working
In order to minimize the effects of pandemic in the effected countries and prevent its negative impacts over the working life, remote…
6 April 2020
Turkey – Data protection during the COVID-19 pandemic
Following the announcement of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization, increasingly restrictive measures to curb the spread…
1 April 2020
Actions Taken by Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Institution in relation to COVID-19
Significant actions have been taken by the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Institution in relation to…
31 March 2020
Lexology GTDT – Joint Ventures 2020
Turkey chapter of "Lexology GTDT - Joint Ventures 2020" written by Elvan Aziz, Togan Turan, Stephanie Beghe Sönmez and Şansal Erbacıoğlu is…
30 March 2020
Measures regarding the ordinary general assembly meetings of joint stock and limited liability companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
The General Directorate of Domestic Trade of the Turkish Ministry of Commerce published an announcement on 20 March 2020 regarding a number…
30 March 2020
The Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) to Turkish Litigation Practice
As coronavirus (Covid-19) started to spread in Turkey, the government and relevant administrative and judicial bodies have started to take…
24 March 2020
Lexology GTDT – Cybersecurity 2020
Turkey chapter of "Lexology GTDT - Cybersecurity 2020" is published.