236 content
3 January 2022
New Regulation on the Licensing of Medicinal Products for Human Use
We have published a new Paksoy briefing: "New Regulation on the Licensing of Medicinal Products for Human Use"
31 December 2021
Employment Overview of 2021: Significant Changes Introduced to Employment Law in Turkey
We have published a new Paksoy briefing: “Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency postpones entry into force of Regulation on the…
25 December 2021
Regulatory classification of medicinal products for human use under Turkish law
Our latest article "Regulatory classification of medicinal products for human use under Turkish law"is published on Lexology.
23 December 2021
The Law Reviews – The International Capital Markets Review – 11th Edition
Turkey chapter of "The International Capital Markets Review" by Ömer Çollak and Ökkeş Şahan is published on The Law Reviews.
15 December 2021
Significant Amendments to the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
The Law numbered 7343 introduced significant amendments to the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law No. 2004, in particular regarding the forced…
9 December 2021
New Crowdfunding Communiqué
The Crowdfunding Communiqué No. III – 35/A.2 was published in the Official Gazette dated 27 October 2021 and the existing Communique on…
1 December 2021
Draft Guideline on Green Debt Instruments and Green Lease Certificates
Draft guideline on Green Debt Instruments and Green Lease Certificates (Sukuk) was published for public consultation on 3 November 2021.
8 November 2021
Amendment to the Block Exemption Communiqué on Vertical Agreements (Communiqué No: 2002/2)
The Communiqué Amending the Block Exemption Communiqué on Vertical Agreements (Communique No: 2002/2) has been published in the Official…
11 October 2021
Promotion of medical devices – limited interactions with limited audience
Our latest article "Promotion of medical devices - limited interactions with limited audience" by Nihan Bacanak, Bengüsu Güvendi and Selen…