In this Spring Edition, we delve into a variety of intriguing topics, ranging from the Turkish Competition Authority’s (“TCA”) vigilant scrutiny of several sectors to significant actions taken by regulatory bodies across the globe.

We commence with a close examination of TCA’s focused attention on the tech sector, providing insights into a brand new interim measure imposed on Meta, accompanied by an exploration of the company’s ongoing struggle with compliance issues. In a similar vein, we unravel the TCA’s recent imposition of fines on, an online betting platform, to better understand the broader implications for players in the digital marketplace.

Shifting our focus to the international arena, we scrutinize the European Commission’s rigorous examination of tech giants Apple, Google, and Meta for potential breaches of the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). This landmark investigation marks a significant step towards curbing anti-competitive practices and fostering innovation in the digital realm.

Aside from the tech industry, we observe the TCA’s active involvement in several other industries including cosmetics, logistics, and packaging. We analyse the TCA’s crackdown on resale price maintenance and the restriction of internet sales in the cosmetics industry, highlighting its efforts to foster fair competition and protect consumer interests within the sector. Subsequently, we explore the increasing number of settlement cases through the latest egg viol decision of the TCA, where companies operating in the egg carton production swiftly opted for the settlement procedure. Lastly, we explore the TCA’s stance on the logistics sector with a specific focus on the DHL/MNG case.

In sum, this Spring Issue aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and pivotal cases reshaping the competitive landscape. We hope you find this Spring Issue helpful.

The headlines of the season includes Meta’s interim measure, administrative monetary fine and non-compliance issues; the TCA’s scrutiny on the digital markets and Nesine decision; the European Commission’s investigations initiated against Google, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft; as well as the TCA’s investigations into cosmetics, personal care, hygiene, egg viol and logistics sectors. You may reach the newsletter here.


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