First in Türkiye. General Directorate of Mint and Stamp Printing House of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance (Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı Darphane ve Damga Matbaası Genel Müdürlüğü) issued commodity certificates and listed them on the Borsa Istanbul’s newly established Commodity Market. The issuance of 500 million Gold Certificates are backed by 5,000 kg gold with a 0.995 purity, and the transaction intends to offer an alternative investment tool for investors willing to invest in commodities. Trading started on 21 November 2022 with the ticker of ALTIN.S1.

Our capital markets team led by partner Omer Çollak including counsel Ökkeş Şahan and associate Bülent Öztürk acted as transaction counsel in this project.


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