Our latest article ” FMCG Retailers under the TCA’s Microscope” by Togan Turan, Gülçin Dere and Sabiha Ulusoy is published on Lexology.

On February 5, 2021, Turkish Competition Authority (“the TCA”) published a preliminary report (“Preliminary Report”) regarding a sector inquiry it has initiated in the fast moving consumer goods (“FMCG”) retail market. The Preliminary Report contains quite remarkable evaluations that can form a basis for important regulations and consequences regarding the industry in the future.

In the evaluations made within the scope of the Preliminary Report, the emphasis was mostly placed on discount stores and the effects of the buyer power of these stores on the sector. The Preliminary Report states that there are three sub-markets present in the FMCG retail market, mainly as ‘retail, discount and wholesale’, however, it found that three of the top four undertakings in Turkey are ‘discount stores’. It further explains that the majority of private label products in the product portfolios of these discount stores is higher compared to the other stores, and the development of private label products over time is the source of the increase in the buyer power of the retailers.

You may reach the entire article here.


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