Practice Areas (All)
  • Antitrust and Competition (1)
  • Banking and Finance (4)
  • Compliance and Investigations (2)
  • Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration (15)
  • Energy and Natural Resources (2)
  • Labour and Employment (2)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (2)
Related Person (All)
  • Aslı Eryılmaz (1)
  • Beril Paksoy (1)
  • Beritan Arık (1)
  • Ceren Özkorkut (1)
  • Doğuhan Uygun (5)
  • Elvan Aziz (4)
  • Emre Kotil (3)
  • Gülce Saydam Pehlivan (3)
  • Gülçin Dere (1)
  • Naz Dülgeroğlu (1)
  • Nazlı Bezirci (1)
  • Oğuzhan Karaömeroğlu (1)
  • Onur Çeliker (1)
  • Osman Pepeoğlu (2)
  • Özge Mizrahi (1)
  • Pınar Noberi (1)
  • Sera Somay (4)
  • Serdar Paksoy (1)
  • Simel Sarıalioğlu (4)
  • Zekican Samlı (3)
Year (All)
  • 2024 (5)
  • 2023 (8)
  • 2022 (5)
  • 2021 (7)
  • 2020 (3)

28 content

15th ICC Turkish Arbitration Day

Paksoy is pleased to announce Sera Somay, Paksoy’s Head of Banking and Finance practice, will be speaking on the Finance Industry Disputes…

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