13th Istanbul Pre-Moot organized by Istanbul Bilgi University and Paksoy took place on 28th February to 2nd March 2025.

The pre-moot was attended by 11 national and 16 international teams. Royal University for Women’s team won the final round and University of Bielefeld became the first runner up. More than 200 students and 60 arbitrators participated in the competition. It is clear that, Istanbul Pre-Moot is becoming a landmark event with a growing number of international participants each year. We are proud to have contributed to elevating Istanbul Pre Moot to this level among all pre-moots.

From Paksoy; Simel Sarıalioğlu, Zekican Samlı, Pınar Noberi, Eren Beşpınar, Sabahattin Öztemiz, Oğuzhan Karaömeroğlu, Naz Dülgeroğlu, Zeynep Kılınç and Ege Bekar attended the pre-moot as arbitrators.

Paksoy is pleased to co-organize this event which contributes to the young future practitioners’ advocacy skills, knowledge and experience. We extend our gratitude to Istanbul Bilgi University Law Faculty for their invitation to organize this event together. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to Candan Yasan Tepetaş, Ece Baş Süzel and Kerem Cem Şanlı for their cooperation and support.

We wish good luck to all teams in Vienna & Hong Kong!


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