We are pleased to announce the 10th Istanbul Pre-Moot hosted by Istanbul Bilgi University with the contributions of Paksoy together with ISTAC and ICC YAF took place on 20-21 March 2021 with the participation of many distinguished arbitrators including Prof. Yeşim M. Atamer, Prof. Ziya Akıncı, Prof. Petra Butler, Prof. Franco Ferrari, Prof. Pascal Pichonnaz, Prof. Franz Werro as well as a variety of teams from 15 different countries.

Doğuhan Uygun, senior associate from Paksoy’s dispute resolution practice spoke on “Virtual Arbitration Hearings” webinar organized by ICC YAF as a part of the 10th Istanbul Pre Moot.

We would like to thank Paksoy team, fellow arbitrators and law students for their participation and contribution to the success of 10th Istanbul Pre-Moot event. We wish all of the talented team members the best of luck for their pleadings in Virtual-Vienna!


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