Our latest article “Promotion of Medicinal Products” by Nihan Bacanak, Zeynep Toma and Selen Toma is published on Mondaq.

Promotion of medicinal products is restricted under Turkish law, as is the case in many other jurisdictions, due to ethical and public interest related concerns. This article discusses the main principles governing the promotion of medicinal products under Turkish law.

The main piece of legislation regulating the promotion of medicinal products is the Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Medicinal Products for Human Use (“Regulation“). Further, Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Authority (“Authority“) has, with a view to clarifying ambiguities in the implementation of the Regulation, published (i) Guidelines Regarding Scientific Meetings and Product Promotional Meetings (“Meeting Guidelines“) (which has been recently amended as a result of which new restrictions on scientific and promotional meeting activities have been introduced), (ii) Guidelines Regarding Electronic Scientific Meeting and Electronic Product Promotional Meetings (“Electronic Meeting Guidelines“), and (iii) Guidelines on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Transfers of Value Within the Scope of the Regulation (“Transfers of Value Guidelines“).

You may reach the full of article here.


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